M. Dolores is serving in her third term as a member of Texas Silver Haired Legislature. She has served as a secretary during her two terms in both of these committees.

She has a B.S. & M.A.  in Education with a major in Elementary & Secondary Education in Spanish, History, & ESL.  She has taught in public school for almost 40 years with the Bridge City School District, and was a part-time Adjunct Instructor for Lamar Stage College in Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Orange.

She and her husband, Dr. Jim Garcia, are owners and operators of Language Consultant Service for over 50 years. She has served for courts, cities, lawyers, school districts, and individuals as an interpreter and translator for over 50 years in Orange County, and served as school trustee with the LCM School District in Orange County.

She is a member, or a life-member, and an honor member in numerous professional organizations.

She has been a volunteer for the Julie Rogers Gift of Life Foundation, American Cancer Society,  Golden Orange Area Literacy Services and recently with Literary Lubbock. She is currently a volunteer and interpreter for the AARP Volunteer Income Tax Program in Lubbock after serving as a volunteer in Orange for many years.   She has served as a volunteer and interpreter at Texas Tech Health Science Center for five years, University Medical Center for ten years, and at Covenant Women & Children Hospital for  the last sixteen years. She worked for several cities as an Elections Precinct Alternate Judge,  a clerk for the Orange County Elections for over 40 years,  and for the Lubbock Elections office as a clerk for the last 10 years.

She has two children and four grandchildren. Her hobbies are volunteering, reading, knitting, church-choir singing, traveling for pleasure, and mission work.  She is a member of Southcrest Baptist Church, a member-on-leave from the Eastern Star, and current member of the American Association University Women.

She has always been an advocate for the ‘underdog’ issues and that includes more for senior issues now since she has been a senior herself for several decades now.

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